The characteristics of ancient jade

The characteristics of ancient jade

There are many ancient jade articles on the market today, which are all fake ancient jade products. For many ancient jade collectors, there is a great risk in collecting ancient jade. Therefore, we must master some techniques for identifying ancient jade when making selections.

Traces of fabric fibers: When the jade is in contact with the human body, it usually leaves some clothing fibers on the surface of the jade. Due to the accumulation of time and special temperature and humidity, these fibers will adhere to the surface of the jade. And if you look at the jade face through a magnifying glass, you will usually find these fibers.

Insects and eggs: Because the ancient jade is hidden in the underground environment, some cracked jade will leave some insect residues or eggs.

Water stains: In the ground, the moisture in the soil will corrode the surface of the jade, so the surface of the ancient jade usually has water-like striate or water stains of different shades.

Plant rhizome impression: The roots and stems of the plants in the soil are not perforated, so they will leave traces of whiskers on the jade.

Carbonization marks: Because the ancients have the habit of jade, there will be burnt carbonization marks on the surface of the jade.

Mineral traces: The ancients used to put realgar and cinnabar in the grave. Therefore, the long-term contact of ancient jade with these substances will leave traces in its gaps.

Gravel: Because the flowing water in the ground contains a lot of minerals, these minerals enter the jade pores with the water flow, gather, dehydrate, and knot, and finally form part of the characteristics of the ancient jade - gravel.

Collection is already an absolute trend, remembering the many characteristics of ancient jade, so as not to suffer undue losses in the purchase of the collection.

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