Japanese street shot wonderful detail summer

Ben Wang, July 21 hearing, there are always people who do not like Japanese street shooting, saying that it is too cumbersome, or totally lacking in beauty. However, in fact, the most important thing to look at in Japan's street shooters is the details of the people. A variety of fashi.......

Chemical fiber production warming

Recently in Zhejiang Textile Institute and some of Keqiao Street fabric analysis proofing room, to analyze the increase in the number of chemical fiber fabrics. It turned out that the recent period of PTA prices have been falling, profits have increased chemical fiber fabrics, many business h.......

Ito Yokado sells "Fast Fashion" brand

According to the report of Japan’s Kyodo News Agency, Japan’s Seven & I Holding Group and West Friends’ circulation giant will strengthen their “fast food fashion” business in supermarkets, hopin.......